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想直接看结论的请跳至末尾 《对抗新冠病毒要关注物表消毒》 《今日感控》发表文章 Focus on Surface Disinfection When Fighting COVID-19 对抗新冠病毒要关注物表消毒(节选) The perfect disinfectant or product for healthcare disinfection has not been introduced; however, there is a wide array of excellent disinfectants that offer a range of characteristics. As of March 10, 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendation on disinfectant products for COVID-19 is to use an Environmental Protection Agency-registered disinfectant on List Non the EPA website that has qualified under the EPA’s emerging viral pathogensprogram for use against SARS-CoV-2.2-4 对于新冠病毒,官方机构至今没有公布完美的的医用消毒剂或产品。但目前有许多优秀的消毒产品可供选用。截至2020年3月10日,美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)建议针对COVID-19的消毒产品是使用环保署EPA注册的,在EPA网站上公布出来的符合新兴病毒性病原体声明的消毒剂。 The rationale for this recommendation is if disinfectants inactivate harder to inactivate microorganisms (e.g., mycobacteria, non-enveloped viruses) than coronaviruses, they should be expected to inactivate COVID-19. This logic is based on the recognition by the CDC4 and the EPA2 that certain microorganisms can be ranked with respect to their tolerance or resistance to chemical disinfectants (i.e., Spaulding classification model). 这一建议的基本原理是,如果消毒剂能够灭活的微生物(如分枝杆菌、无包膜病毒)比冠状病毒更难灭活,那么应该期望消毒剂能够灭活新冠病毒。这一逻辑是基于CDC和EPA的认识,即某些微生物可以根据其对化学消毒剂的耐受性或耐药性进行排序(即,斯伯丁分类模型)。 With this approach, the most susceptible to most resistant tiers of microorganisms are: lipid (i.e., enveloped) or medium-sized viruses (e.g., coronaviruses); vegetative bacteria (e.g., S. aureus); fungi (e.g., Candida, Aspergillus); non-lipid (i.e., non-enveloped) or small viruses (e.g., poliovirus, rhinovirus); mycobacteria (e.g., M. tuberculosis); coccidia (Cryptosporidium); and the most resistant, spores (e.g., C. difficile).5 用这种方法,从容易杀灭到难以杀灭来排序:亲脂病毒或中型病毒(例如冠状病毒);细菌繁殖体(如金黄色葡萄球菌);真菌(如念珠菌、曲霉);亲水病毒即非包膜病毒或小病毒(例如:脊髓灰质炎病毒、鼻病毒);分枝杆菌(如结核分枝杆菌);最具抵抗力的是芽孢(如艰难梭菌等) 原文链接: 高水平消毒:杀灭一切细菌繁殖体包括分枝杆菌、病毒、真菌及其孢子和绝大多数细菌芽孢。 (次氯酸、次氯酸钠等含氯制剂、二氧化氯、臭氧等) 中水平消毒:杀灭除细菌芽孢以外的各种病原微生物包括分枝杆菌。 (碘伏等碘类消毒剂、醇类、酚类等) 低水平消毒:能杀灭细菌繁殖体(分枝杆菌除外)和亲脂病毒的化学消毒方法以及通风换气、冲洗等机械除菌法。 (季铵盐、双胍类等能杀灭细菌繁殖体(分枝杆菌除外)和亲脂病毒的化学消毒方法以及通风换气、冲洗等机械除菌法。) 分类依据:中华人民共和国卫生行业标准《医疗机构消毒技术规范》(WS/T 367-2012) 简单地说,就是我用效果最好的消毒剂,肯定能够对新冠病毒的杀灭起到作用。 根据以上的内容,推荐大家使用次氯酸、二氧化氯、臭氧、碘酊进行消毒,其他高水平消毒产品存在一定的危害性和腐蚀性,在能选择的情况下最好优先上述产品。 |